This project was conceived to better understand the future of the internet, given Generative AI and the burgeoning population. This ultimately has to do with the increasingly abundant amount of information, and our increasing collective ability to remember a lot of what has happened, and recollect what has happened; all of us, Generative AI included. I would like that we amended our current semantics to Generative Ancestral Intelligence , as I think that this gives a clearer idea for the matter of discussion. Below find the modules for this iterative journey through the expanse of The Mind. The Mind - A Human Faculty What is the mind and what can it do - planetarium What can the mind be trained to do and how do we approach the education of the mind - library and/or university Literacy & Symbolism Language Math Science Social Studies Web Literacy Integration and Creative Thinking The Internet - The Virtual Mind - The Computer Lab What are Data Storage and Documentation? A word ...