Emblematic of the work I'm trying to do with ScreenPrinting using stencils. The first project was done with the Summer Learning Academy students as they had to each make logos for their houses and spray paint the logos through the cut stencils. Plain old paper, printouts, sheet protectors, xacto knives, black and white spray paint, and ratty t-shirts were used for this project. Worked!
Logo using the following website: https://www.1001fonts.com/stenciled-fonts.html?page=2&items=10 WC Wunderbach Rough Bta
Engineers logo using a "reverse approach". Sprayed "STEM" and "ENG" positively from stencil, but then covered the letters with 3D printed sprockets and sprayed a variety of colors to have very unique shirts.
Not sure how the shirts will hold up, but I have one with a couple logos on it, and so an update may be in order in a few months.
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